
Sunday, July 25, 2004

It was the time of the year again where I was called up for my annual reservist duties. Being the 4th call-up, it became more and more comfortable as I knew what to expect. Interesting, instead of being in an attitude of dread for this call-up, I was a bit looking forward to it, as this being the first time I am with my original troop. For the past 3 years I always had to defer my call-up because of studies, and hence was unable to with my troop during my reservist call-up.

As usual, shooting and IPPT was not excluded from being part of the call-up. Thank God, I had no problem with shooting and bagged the $200 marksman incentive easily, but I had a bit of a mishap from my IPPT. In the past, I could easily get a silver award and that would mean another $200 from the Government as a reward for putting in effort to keep myself fit. This year, I did unexpectedly bad for one of my stations--the standing broad jump--and that cost me $100! Gggrrrhhh...

This year's call-up was a test of my spiritual awareness as well. God really opened my spiritual eyes to have compassion over the people in my troop. I don't see them as being the ah bengs and ah sengs that I always stereotype them with previously, but rather I see them as people who are lost in the things of the world. With grace this call-up only lasted only one week, because by the end of the week, somewhat my spiritual eyes were darkened also. Time to train up the spirit-man in me...

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