
Wednesday, October 06, 2004

Here I am, in the early hours of the morning, surfing the Internet on one of my favourite hobbies: photography. I found myself oogling over the newest Canon EOS cameras, the EOS 20D and the EOS 300X. One is my dream DSLR (digital Single Lens Reflex) camera I hope to have my hands on in 2005, while the other (the EOS 300X) looks set to be the replacement SLR for my current EOS 300.

The EOS 20D will be my main camera while the EOS 300X will be my film backup. I still love looking at slides, and so far DSLRs are not that capable enough for wide-angle shots because of their crop factor (aka "focal length multiplier"). Then I'll also buy a small compact digicam for those point-and-shoot occassions where heavy/bulky gears are not suitable.

But then again, what's all these talk when I can't affort them? Better be grateful with what I have and enjoy my hobby with it.

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