
Sunday, April 10, 2005

Lost a son, gained a brother 

It was both a moment of joy and also a moment of loss.

One of my guys under me was invited by my Spiritual Father to be one of his Twelve. (Those who are in FCBC should know what I am talking about.) He was one dear member; one who has showed faithfulness and consistency in the cell group, and has shown great support to all network events. He is one person who loves God, and has showed a steady spiritual growth over the past year or so since he accepted Jesus in his life.

Being one of my more faithful member, it is natural that I felt a sense of loss when I released him to be one of my Spiritual Father's Twelve. However, the feeling of joy greatly eclipsed the sense of loss, knowing that I have prepared my member worthy to receive greater spiritual input directly from my Spiritual Father. What an honor! :)

My attitude is always to see my Spiritual Father succeed. I've understood the importance of forming the Twelve in a ministry (a principle reinforced through this year's G12 Conference that has just concluded), and it has always been my heart that he forms his Twelve as soon as possible. Only then can God grow his ministry!

Now that my Spiritual Father's Twelve is complete, I just felt a sense of greater release into the ministry. I can now fully concentrate in forming and building my Twelve! Amen!

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