
Monday, May 02, 2005

A steward of money 

Cooling off

It's really freaking hot this period of the year, where the sun goes full blast and the whole nation feels like an oven. Went out for a shoot outing/catching up with Kenneth today, and I took the above photo at (where else?) Bugis Junction after we parted company. I've not caught up with Kenneth since my graduation, so it was great time just chit-chatting and cracking silly jokes.

During the course of catching up the issue of finding a permanent job popped up now and then. Such subjects usually revolve around the core issue of financial subsistence, and frankly, my current job doesn't pay that much. Well, just enough for living expenses, but I can always do with more money. :)

In retrospect, after being in this job for quite some time now, I'll probably not have stuck with this job if I were to be in for the money. It's difficult for me to explain the learning and satisfaction I get out of what I'm doing now, since such things are intangible and therefore hard to put down in quantitative terms. However, I do know that I cannot "survive" on this job for long and there will be a time where I will have to move on, granted the fact that God has blessed me with the education and talent I possess.

I find this is a time where God is teaching me to be a good steward of money. With the little I have, I need to work out priorities on where to put my money. Not that I am doing a perfect job of managing my finances now, but I am now beginning to be more mindful on where I spend.

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