
Friday, June 30, 2006

My website just died 

What you are reading now is my blog, and I actually do (or in the current case, "did") have a separate website. That website was published way, way back before blogs became popular. The website was shifted from an even older webhost, so you can imagine how long the website lasted. Nothing important was in there; it contained a few articles on digital SLRs, chronicles of my OBS trips and some other personal information. The last I checked—minutes before I blogged this post—the site just disappeared. There was no warning from the webhost, and when I tried to log in, my account didn't exist.

Anyway, it's a free host, and over the years it started adding ads and its performance degraded, so I'm not too bothered by it's disappearance. I haven't decided whether to start another one, so I guess it's OK to let the old one RIP for now.

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